How Fear of Success Almost Stopped Me Cold

My business, The Right Style, is where I store my confidence. Let’s get real honest here: I became a skin care and image consultant because my mother was. She is an Executive Director with Beauticontrol, and she gave me the “gift” of my own business for my 18th birthday. Frankly, it was a gift I didn’t want.


I saw her business and her success and KNEW that I could never do that. So, for years, I ignored it. I use the products and have pretty great skin as a result, but when people asked me the inevitable question, “What do you use?” I would tell them Beauticontrol and REFER THEM TO MY MOTHER.

I was sabotaging my chances to consider even being a success because I crossed the possibility off the list.  I was terrified that if I actually opened my mouth and told people what I did they would throw eggs at me and push me off a street corner. I was living in a state of constant fear of success.

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