Embrace Self-Promotion: 6 Easy Steps to Getting Out There

I have made a groundbreaking discovery. Self-promotion is NOT a dirty word!

I have always wrestled with this. It’s not that I’m not aware of what I’m good at– I’m pretty self-reflective– it’s just that unless explicitly asked, I’m not going to tell you about it. This aversion to tooting my own horn has held me back throughout my life. Seriously, who’s going to tell you how amazing I am if I don’t? (I kid! A little.)

Though I am not trying to take myself to Donna Meagle and Tom Haverford levels (seriously, I can’t believe this is the last season of Parks and Recreation), I am taking the time to promote myself and my business and treat my doggone self to success!

Embrace self-promotion 6 Easy steps: Treat Yo Self

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