There may be nothing that I love more than stripes. I love stripes so much that sometimes I like to wear all of my stripes all at one time. I’m something of a stripes collector, if you will. This series of black and white striped looks happened largely by accident. As Richmond continues to tease back and forth with the idea of cold weather ( I was teeth-chatteringly cold last week. Tomorrow, it’s going to be 82 degrees), I have found myself needing to layer my transitional separates.
It started out with my Lush jumpsuit. It’s light and gauzy and comfortable and airy– absolutely perfect for humid days in the South. But the thing is, it was now freezing in the morning. I was dashing to work so I grabbed a light sweater. When I realized what I created, I was fascinated. It was by far the most pajama like thing I had ever worn to work, yet it was somehow eye-catching and quite well-dressed.
I took my five stripiest outfits and mixed and matched and created 3 of my all-time favorite looks. Which is your favorite? Do you like to play with patterns?