I have made a groundbreaking discovery. Self-promotion is NOT a dirty word!
I have always wrestled with this. It’s not that I’m not aware of what I’m good at– I’m pretty self-reflective– it’s just that unless explicitly asked, I’m not going to tell you about it. This aversion to tooting my own horn has held me back throughout my life. Seriously, who’s going to tell you how amazing I am if I don’t? (I kid! A little.)
Though I am not trying to take myself to Donna Meagle and Tom Haverford levels (seriously, I can’t believe this is the last season of Parks and Recreation), I am taking the time to promote myself and my business and treat my doggone self to success!
Daily Worth is self-described as “the leading financial media company for women.” After stumbling on to the website right before the close of the year, I’m willing to believe them. If you’re not reading Daily Worth every day, then you’re missing out on some truly insightful content.
When I found this amazing article, 6 Steps to Embracing Self-Promotion, I knew it would be wrong to keep it to myself. Here’s the rundown:
- Change Your Thinking: Gotta get that mind right.
- Be Yourself: You know what they say about everyone else already being taken.
- Find the Right Audience: You can say all you want, but it matters not a bit if you’re talking to the wrong folks.
- Focus on Your Why: When it’s real to you, it will be real to others.
- Know Your Value: You is smart, you is kind, you is important. KNOW it. OWN it. Don’t let yourself or anyone else steal your shine.
- Give, Then Ask: Show your heart. Provide value. Then when it’s time to make the sale, you’ll have no problems going for it.
Read the full article now, read the rest of the entire website later.
Hat tip to the Daily Worth for the list.
What are your self-promotion struggles?
I used to struggle with self promotion, like I didn’t want to post the things I did or wanted to accomplish on Facebook to my friends and family but I grew out of it and now as my business grows so does my confidence.
I don’t care if people find it weird or anything of that matter. I’m doing me….
Thanks for sharing.
Khloe G.
I like that attitude! Throw caution to the wind! Your friends and family are the ones who love you best– they’re probably more excited than anyone to see your accomplishments. As you see, I’m great at making these things real in my head…
These 6 tips are golden and can be applied in many different aspects of our lives. I intend on intergrating this into my online presence.
I’m glad you found them helpful, Kimberly! Let me know how they work for you!
Great tips! I struggle with accepting praise/recognition. I’m always like, “oh that was nothing.” I’m going to try to commit to tooting my own horn a lil’ bit more.
Isn’t that funny? You know you did it, you know you did a hell of a job on it but you’re afraid to let anyone know. Is it the fear of people thinking you’re a braggart?
Great tips. Always good to be reminded of what and how things need to be done
Thanks, Holly!